12 July 2010

Dead Future Issue 5 Cover

So here's the final cover for Issue 5 of Dead Future or what I like to call, more of those pesky space zombies that are all the rage.

Comprised of various found textures and costumes as well as some reference shots of Jess in our basement, this took about 4-5 hours to create with time factored in for photography and lighting.

If you're interested make sure to head over to www.thedeadfuture.com for the on going webcomic. Also, if you're on facebook, please friend the Dead Future page.

UPDATE: I made a super special wall paper. Click on that top image for full 1920x1200 glory. Also, here is the cover both with and without the title and bug.

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Munchkin Quest is Rad

So, our neighbor -- who's name also happens to be Paul -- came over on Saturday for some late night Munchkin Quest. We all stayed up until about 1am, listening to Avalanches, learning the rules, laughing and having an excellent time. When the Canadians come down, we're definitely going to have to get Paul back over from some gaming excellence.

As far as Munchkin Quest goes, it works a lot like regular Munchkin, though it has more D&D elements thrown in for flavor. There are about a billion game pieces to keep track of and the board itself gets built randomly as you progress, opening new rooms and monsters to fight. The general strategies of help/screw your neighbor still apply and make for one hell of an interesting end-game. If you have the means, definitely check it out. It's totally worth your time. I mean, where else can you fight a level 20 goldfish as a final boss?
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