25 March 2011

New Bonus Level Logo GET!

New logo/icon design for Bonus Level.  Click for a fancy wallpaper size to sprucify your desktop.

So, yeah. I've been on vector kick like a champ the last few days.  Got the idea this morning and had to illustrate it. Took about 2 hours or so from sketch to final.  Played around with some different ideas but settled on this.  Love it, can't stop looking at it.  I've been struggling with the BL logo for a while now so this is a bit of a personal triumph.  Que: Jonathan Coulton.
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23 March 2011

Kidthulhu Shirts

T-shirt design for the comic Kidthulhu. Got the idea driving home last night and it made me laugh.  Had some time so I just banged it out.  All vector, took about 3 hours from pencil sketch to completion.  More details about where and when you can purchase one coming soon.

O R'LYEH?  (It's so easy to amuse myself.)
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09 March 2011

Kidthulhu Header

A type treatment for the header of the comic Kidthulhu I did for Grim Crew. Martin kept telling me about the book and I kept seeing awesome illustrations from Jason, the artist and I just had to involve myself some how. So here it is. I'm pretty proud of it. This is one of those pieces that never changes from concept stage to final product. It was a single vision all the way through. This will grace the cover that will be drawn by the extremely talented Mike Dubisch. I'm glad everyone likes it. Here's to doing more of these.
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