30 December 2009

Dead Future Issue 4 Cover

A little cover design I whipped up for Dead Future Issue 4. Head on over to thedeadfuture.com and check out the fancy new webcomic version. Looks like making zombies be my thing. Click for larger size.
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14 August 2009

Dead Future Preview Finished

Just finished up the design and artwork on my chosen story for Dead Future. Here's a shot of the preview books. What you can't tell from the pic is that they're 5.5 x 8.5, about half the size of an average sized comic. The size is super-cute and works well as a 14 page preview of the full book due out in October. This preview is an exclusive for Mini-Megacon in Orlando FL and showcases the story Martin and I created. If you participated in the creation of this work, you can of course, get one from me.

Also, the Dead Future Site is up and a 5 page PDF preview of my story can be found here.
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17 May 2009

Space Zombies!

Check out the cover illustration I did for the book Martin and I are working on. It's called Dead Future and it's a collection of zombie stories set in various futures. What's come in so far from the artists looks great so I decided it was high time I banged out a cover. I'm really proud of this one. Enjoy.

UPDATE: And here's a link on the press we're getting: www.projectfanboy.com We're on the home page. Also, due to request I made a wallpaper version. 1920x1200 size.

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29 January 2009

The Grim Furry Tales

So I worked up a cover for Martin's book. I've never really worked in this style before and I enjoyed it immensely. Colorized from black and white with illustrations added in. Plus you know, Jess has a tree growing out of her head. A welcomed diversion from bus wraps and pop-up displays.

You can pre-order the book here if you wish.

He says he's gonna have another project for me in the future involving zombies, that should be a fun one. Gonna have to put out the call to all friends willing to be photographed and zombified.

Here's a detail of the characters:

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14 January 2009

Winter Wonder Wrap.

A fun project that I did at work. I made one each for all the seasons. Though naturally, this is the only one running right now. If you're in or around Baltimore, keep an eye out for it. :)

I did not write the tag line.
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