02 May 2006

Drawing pictures in sushi bars

I realize I've been on blog walkabout, the writer's block around here has been crippling. I hope to start again soon but for now, hey, at least I'm drawing. Hooked this one up at Tsunami in Annapolis. It felt really good to put pencil to paper again. I was gonna leave it there but Jess was emphatic I take it with me.

I'm kinda glad I did.


Martin Brandt said...

Good stuff, keep it up.

Beautiful agony said...

kind of reminds me of rouge from x men

Martin Brandt said...

I was just showing this to some one, and they pointed out something to me besides the rogue comment. You got alot of jim lee in you still.

Tenebrous Rex said...

yeah, I know. I can see how, I mean, I haven't bought a comic since the jim lee era. no wonder it's still in there.

And Rogue, yeah, some would say I had an abnormal obsession with her. Psylocke too.

I totally want to just draw comic book characters again!

DelTron said...

At least it doesn't look like a drunk asian man...

Keep it up, man!

Martin Brandt said...

Seeing how Todd and Jim were our heroes in 9th grade at certain times I thought you might find this blog that jim lee posts to interesting. http://www.gelatometti2.blogspot.com/

Not sure if you have seen it.

Tenebrous Rex said...

yeah, that jim lee link is pretty sweet. I hadn't seen that.

B.Amelia said...

Wow!! Thats a really awesome drawing. I wish i could draw like that. I still can only draw stick figures, which is usually drawn after my first feeble attempts at creating a decent pic.

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