HOT DAMN INDEED! it IS a major day: officially made by this post and its allusion.
Bad-ches? We don't need no stinkin' bad-ches!
that black one should be mine !!!!
fuck no! you never use him! he's so totally mine! you just wish you could roll like me.
whatever!!! you just like him casue he is the only color you can see.
that was low, honey... real low.*pouts*
HOT DAMN INDEED! it IS a major award.
my day: officially made by this post and its allusion.
Bad-ches? We don't need no stinkin' bad-ches!
that black one should be mine !!!!
fuck no! you never use him! he's so totally mine! you just wish you could roll like me.
whatever!!! you just like him casue he is the only color you can see.
that was low, honey... real low.
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