17 November 2005

My Metal Emotions

Scott just sent me this very serious article about metal sign abuse. God I love The Onion.

Here's a taste:

"The metal sign, or 'sign of the goat,' has all but lost its impact as a token of respectful recognition for something truly 'rocking' or 'metal,'" SMC president Terence "Geezer" Butler said. According to Butler, members are upset that their sacred gesture is being used to acknowledge and celebrate "favorable but clearly non-metal events."

Full article here:
Metal Council Convenes To Discuss 'Metal Hand Sign' Abuse

Sadly I am a chronic offender of said frowned upon pratices. Notice my flagrant show of disrespect for the sign in even my profile picture. I have brought much shame on the metal community. My metal emoticons are so not metal...

\m/ 0_o \m/


jenwildcat said...

Yay Motorhead.

DelTron said...

That guy's pic is secretly the new Pop Secret ad campaign.

It's for Pop Korn...

(yuk yuk yuk)

Tenebrous Rex said...


Jon said...

\m/ ^o^ \m/

B.Amelia said...

i have misused the metal signs many a times. I use it to say hi people i don't want to verbally say hi too. The metal gods have surely frowned upon this abuse.

kittens not kids said...

thoroughly unrelated...i haven't dabbled in anything metal since, oh, 1994? (shit, i'm old)

the photo of the whatever it is - weirdly medical-looking lighting fixture - on your photo bin link scares me. it really does. it is ominous and scary and it is looking at me.

that is all.

Martin Brandt said...

Hate to go off topic here but I had a question, and I sure as hell am not posting it in the one above.

Did you used to have a link on your blog to http://www.americanantigravity.com/? I swore I got it from here, but I am not sure now.

and I blame this guy for the metal sign


Tenebrous Rex said...

nope, never seen that site before in my life...

sorry man.

Martin Brandt said...

Ok well this is gonna drive me mad. thanks though.

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